RAILNET International, a United States of America-based firm, is working on developing a modern railway line and are currently carrying out a feasibility study that will determine cost implications, Ministry of Transport and Communications Permanent Secretary Misheck Lungu has said. Early this year, Railnet International signed an agreement with Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique to invest an estimated US$11 billion in constructing a railway line and a high speed train linking the three countries. Mr Lungu said the investment in the project, running from Copperbelt Province to Beira in Mozambique via Harare, Zimbabwe, includes the cost of locomotives and wagons. “There have been concerns as regard to how the existing Zambia Railways line will be kept alive with the high speed train. This will depend on the demand of the users because, even when you have planes, you still have trucks on the roads and other slower modes of transportation,” Mr Lungu said in an interview on Tuesday. Source: Zambia Daily Mail.

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The objectives of the Kitwe & District Chamber of Commerce and Industry are to promote the development of trade, commerce and industry in Kitwe and throughout Zambia. The second one is to make input into any matters connected directly or indirectly with such trade, commerce or industry and the last objective is to collect circulate among its members information and other matters as maybe of interest.

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